The Mission of Preservation Chelsea

It is our mission to preserve Chelsea as a village rich with history and charm, reflected by historic buildings, surrounding farmlands, and as found in our beautiful and vibrant village center. We aim to work through education, offering to ourselves and the community the history of Chelsea as well as the issues shaping our future. We intend actively to preserve historic landmarks and to have a voice in all issues that affect any possible de-centralization of our village. It is our intention to pursue this mission with full involvement and input from merchants and citizens of Chelsea and to act in ways that make sense for the preservation of Chelsea's charm and historic integrity while supporting a vibrant and successful downtown.

Federal Screw Works

Federal Screw Works
This property has been under threat of total demolition since 2008--there are historically signficant and architecturally interesting sections that should be preserved!

Jackson Street Panorama

Jackson Street Panorama
The DDA voted at the meeting on 9.20.12 to demolish the Daniels Addition Car Showroom despite the letter from the State Historic Preservation Office. (please read below)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Update Thurday 15 about DDA meeting

Preservation Chelsea--Chelsea Connection Team (PC-CCT) formed a limited liability corporation known as The Chelsea Connection, LLC. At the DDA meeting on April 15, an addendum to the response to the City's RFP was presented. The DDA noted that the deficiencies identified by the original submission of February 18, 2010, had been addressed. Further, Ryan Henry of Kincaid Henry Building Group, Inc., introduced himself and explained his company's expertise in rehabilitating historic buildings. ( Ryan explained that he had recently been in conversation with The Chelsea Connection and felt he could bring considerable expertise and funding to the project. Ryan asked for a 60 day extension of the RFP, and that was granted. Additionally, the DDA wanted 30 days to study the situation "to determine what we want," so the extension of the RFP is a total of 90 days. Asked by Bob Pierce, "On the scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the highest, how doable is this?" Ryan answered, "5."

A working session of the DDA will be held on April 27, beginning at 8 p.m. The public is invited. Lower level in the City Hall.

The next meeting of The Chelsea Connection is Monday, April 19, at 6:45 p.m. on the third floor of the Clocktower Building. New interested parties are most welcome!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

from Concentrate 4.14.10

New plans surface for Chelsea's historic livery buildings
Concentrate, 4/14/2010
A new plan for renovating the historic livery buildings in downtown Chelsea have surfaced thanks to the friends group working to preserve the vacant structures.

Downtown Chelsea-based Dangerous Architects has put forward a plan that would turn the livery's three buildings into a mixed-use development complete with space for retail, restaurants and residential. It was the only submission for the the city's request for proposals for the building. The Chelsea Downtown Development Authority, which had once planned to raze the livery, will entertain the proposal on Thursday.

"The three main buildings are historic," says Scott McElrath, president of Dangerous Architects. "The structures and their foundations are strong. There is no reason to take them down."

McElrath proposed turning the original livery building into a non-profit craftsman space on the ground floor. Five to six apartments would go on the roof and underground parking in the basement.

The adjacent Daniels and Mack buildings would be turned into groundfloor retail space for a business that has shown interest in the property. The second floor would become restaurant space, complete with a rooftop deck.

"We do have a tenant interested in both buildings," McElrath says. "That would be out first major tenant and the major income producer that allows us to save the building."

McElrath estimates its would cost $1.8 million to renovate the livery buildings so they would be move-in ready. That cost doesn't include acquisition costs.

Source: Scott McElrath, president of Dangerous Architects
Writer: Jon Zemke

Friday, April 9, 2010

Scroll down to see the educational posters around town!

Preservation Chelsea has received a grant from MotorCities National Heritage Area to raise awareness of the importance of the Longworth buildings to Michigan’s automotive history.

Preservation Chelsea is using the funds to display interpretive posters illustrating the connections between the buildings and Chelsea’s transportation history. The posters were created by John Pappas, a local graphic designer, and will be displayed in downtown locations over the coming months.

The Longworth complex, located on Jackson Street near the Chelsea Depot, consists of three buildings. At one time, they consisted of a livery stable for horses and carriages, a manufac-turing facility and an automobile showroom.

The Welch automobile was first manufactured in Chelsea in 1903 in the central Mack Building and, from the late 1940s to the early 60s, the Daniels’ Art Moderne showroom displayed Oldsmobiles and Buicks.

The mission of MotorCities National Heritage Area, an affiliate of the National Park Service, is to preserve and communicate the story of automotive and labor history in Southeast Michigan. A goal of the MotorCities program is to promote education, interpretation and tourism initiatives related to Michigan’s automotive heritage.

Preservation Chelsea is working with other community partners to conserve elements of Chelsea’s transportation history as a resource for its future. This effort is part of Preservation Chelsea’s overall mission of maintaining the charm and historic integrity of the community while supporting a vibrant and successful downtown.

For more information about the Longworth buildings’ past and present, visit

Chelsea Standard Website April 8

Submitted by Tom Girard

Area residents walking past Dangerous Architects’ front door on Main Street in downtown Chelsea may have noticed an exciting new development.

Scott McElrath, owner of Dangerous Architects, developed a rendering for an exciting adaptive reuse project to be located at the former Longworth Plating site, which has been posted in his front window for the past few weeks.

A team of Chelsea residents has put forward a proposal to the Chelsea Downtown Development Authority, which would renovate most of the complex and make it a new focal point that will help bridge the current divide between downtown and the Chelsea Clock tower.

“We all know what an eye sore the complex has been for a number of years. This proposed project is a great example of adaptive reuse of downtown structures that will benefit Chelsea for years to come,” McElrath said.

The Preservation Chelsea group that developed the plan proposes the buildings be used for market, retail and entertainment space.

“The business we’re working with is a perfect fit for the site. They focus on local, sustainable food, art and entertainment, and are looking to expand their current operation”, said Tom Girard, a member of Preservation Chelsea said.

The Livery Building will house affordable urban-edged studio apartments on the second floor, with a new third floor roof garden and patio for tenants, and enclosed tenant parking on the first floor. Sharing a portion of the first floor of the Livery Building will be The New Craftsmen Workshop, a cooperative workspace for local artisans to work their craft.

“We’re trying to create a great place to live, work and play that will add to the vitality of our downtown,” Girard said.

The future of the buildings has been uncertain since the complex was acquired by the DDA. Although community members expressed support for preserving the buildings at a visioning session held in April 2009, the DDA planned during the summer to move forward with demolition of the Livery, which dates from the early 1900s and is adjacent to the Farmers’ Supply.

In response, a group of preservation-minded citizens, known as the Save the Livery Coalition, mobilized to halt the demolition, gathering more than 700 signatures. The DDA then granted a stay of demolition, and the Preservation Chelsea – Chelsea Connection Team was formed to develop an alternative plan for the complex.

This team includes Chelsea citizens who have contributed their substantial expertise in architecture and design, construction, engineering, project management, historic preservation, fundraising, communication and organizing.

In January, the DDA issued a Request for Proposal to redevelop the site. In February, the group submitted the only proposal received by the city. At the March DDA meeting, the proposal was not well received, largely due to the fact that the group proposed that the city continue to own the property during redevelopment. Preservation Chelsea has now restructured their proposal to include purchase of the property through a newly formed limited partnership.

“Our team has worked diligently to make this a win for everyone in Chelsea. Many of us live and/or work within a few blocks of this structure. We all want what we feel is best for Chelsea. We just hope our arguments will be convincing enough to help the DDA visualize how to best use the site,” McElrath said.

“The proposal will create a mixed-use facility that will become an attraction not only for the businesses housed there but also for its historic value and forward-thinking design. We feel creating an energetic development, preserving Chelsea’s historic character, adhering to green design principles and increasing the tax base are more important than the additional parking spaces,” Girard said.

Another key issue that factors into the proposal is safely containing chemical contamination from the former plating facility.

“The city's own hired consultant stated that capping in place is the safest thing to do with regard to the contaminants inside and under these building floor slabs. Renovating the Livery Building will reduce the chance of spreading contaminants,” McElrath said.

For more information about The Chelsea Connection, contact Michelle McClellan at 475-7565 or e-mail michelle.lee.mcclellan@gmailcom; Joe Merkel at 320-9828, Jan Bernath at 475-5753, Scott McElrath at 562-2418, or Tom Girard at 475-3632. Additional information can be found online at


Thursday, April 8, 2010

To become involved in this exciting project...

Please contact Michelle McClellan at 734 475 7565; Joe Merkel at 734 320 9828; Scott McElrath at 734 818 7252; Tom Girard at 734 260 2087; or Jan Bernath at 734 475 5753

Attend the DDA meeting on Thursday, April 15, 7:30 a.m. in the City Hall basement.
Attend the next PC-CCT meeting on Monday, April 19, at 6:45 p.m., 3rd floor, Clock Tower Building.

Double click on the posters to read what the buildings are saying!

Innovative car manufactured in Chelsea!

Our historic livery talks--one remaining "in context in the nation"