10, 2012
To the Editor:
news coverage last week of the Chelsea City Council's plan to sell
the old police headquarters building at 104 East Middle Street, City
Manager John Hanifan was quoted as saying, “We're not particularly
interested in driving the development of a historical building. We've
not been good at that, but we can always improve.” I respectfully
suggest that driving the development and repurposing of Chelsea’s
historic downtown buildings should be a priority for both the City
and the Downtown Development Authority (DDA). The DDA-enabling
Michigan Legislature Act 197 of 1975 lists the objectives of DDAs as
maintaining the economic growth and encouraging preservation of the
historic character of downtowns. The City of Chelsea now enjoys being
listed on the National Register of Historic Places. This honor can
help in our efforts to make Chelsea a Destination City. Indeed, the
Chelsea First marketing initiative (
was created by our Chamber of Commerce to promote this objective.
old police headquarters building contributes to that character. It
was built in 1910 to house the Holmes and Walker furniture and
hardware business, replacing a two-story building that was destroyed
by fire in 1909. Built in the late commercial Victorian style, this
building is one of only two three-story buildings in Chelsea.
Historic photographs show the store-front’s elaborate details and
large first-floor display windows. The building was later owned by
Margaret Gates Vogel who rented it to Paul Grafson for his
supermarket. Beginning in 1946 it housed the municipal and fire
department offices on the first floor and the Chelsea Library on the
second floor. The third floor was used as a community hall. In 1971
the Chelsea Police moved in after a remodel that included the heavy
brick façade on the first floor. This façade could be
removed to restore the historic storefront, again making this a very
attractive building for a retailer. The second and third floor
façades remain unchanged from 1910: a trio of large “Chicago”
windows fills the entire second story façade and the third
floor is topped with a paneled and stepped brick parapet.
Chelsea urges the City to indeed drive the restoration and
repurposing of this beautiful historic building and not leave its
fate up to the whims of a developer who may or may not value its
historic appearance and its 100-year significance to Chelsea.
L. Frank
President, Preservation Chelsea
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